February Snow
oil on canvas
This piece was painted plein air. I was really interested in the nuances of the snow and ice on the stream...how the color shifts. I toned the canvas a shade of red brown before I painted the piece. I think it gives a nice effect as it shows through in places...especially the sky. You can feel the cold in this piece. You can watch me paint my plein air and studio paintings on my YouTube channel - habowskistudio.
This piece was painted plein air. I was really interested in the nuances of the snow and ice on the stream...how the color shifts. I toned the canvas a shade of red brown before I painted the piece. I think it gives a nice effect as it shows through in places...especially the sky. You can feel the cold in this piece. You can watch me paint my plein air and studio paintings on my YouTube channel - habowskistudio.